The Restraining Order
This is the Restraining Order. Lydie finally found a certain Judge Rosenberg at Santa Monica Court who believed her fairy tales and gave her this Restraining Order.
Let me tell you one thing: I consider this a serious matter. Judge Rosenberg declared me a dangerous, armed stalker based on false evidence (The manipulated Cannae email) and Lydie Denier´s lies (that Berlin Police searched my apartment and found the place "littered" with Denier photos). I am now in the computers of all US states as a dangerous maniac. So I consider this a really serious matter and I do not intent of making fun of Judge Gerald Rosenberg or Santa Monica Court.
So why am I writing this: Lydie Denier - assisted by Judge Rosenberg and Santa Monica Court - tries to damage my reputation by giving TMZ and other media the information about the Restraining Order and telling the world that I am a dangerous stalker. My reputation is already bad enough. Most critics who wrote about my projects put me in a row with Ed Wood. (o.k. I love Ed Wood, I can live with that.)
But it is me who decides if and how I have to defend my reputation, so I want to write here just some of my thoughts on the Restraining Order, Santa Monica Court and Judge Rosenberg and how they handle this case.
First let´s have a look at this Restraining Order. Judge Rosenberg believed Lydie I am a stalker, right? He made a decision and he mailed me that I am NOT allowed to try to find out Lydie´s address, right?
Hm... Look at the court papers they mailed to me. Page 1: They mailed me Lydie´s address !!! (I did black it out so no real stalker will visit Lydie)I do not think it is Lydie´s real address, but even if it is only the address of a friend or a mailing address, CAN YOU BELIEVE THEY MAILED HER ADDRESS TO ME ???
If I were a R E A L stalker , that´s all I needed. A real stalker could now go to this address or mailbox and just wait till Lydie comes along picking up her mail from...Santa Monica court!
O.K. I think you´ll understand that from right here my confidence in Santa Monica Court is Z E R O .
I wrote I do not blame Ms Denham from Santa Monica Court and Judge Rosenberg that they believed Lydie is stalked by a maniac. Almost every actress is stalked by some maniac, so till here it makes sense if an actress comes to court and pleads for help because a stalker is after her that they try to help her.
But NOW : Lydie told them GERMAN POLICE IN BERLIN did investigate. Great ! German Police involved ! There must be a file in Germany on the case !!!
A Judge has to make important decisions. Often based on what people tell him. That´s difficult. But in this case, Lydie told them there is already a Police file and told them I have threatened to kill her in G E R M A N Y .
To find out what happened, how dangerous this stalker might be or to see if Lydie really tells the truth - actually it is a serious matter to accuse someone to have threatened to kill - all Judge Rosenberg and Ms Denham had to do is to pick up a phone and call German police in Berlin. The file is in the computer and most is in English, German police could have emailed the file within seconds and Judge Rosenberg and Ms Denham could have learned
- German Police did never search my apartment
- Lydie Denier and I did shoot "A Bouquet for a Kill" from February 2007 till
May 2007, exactly the time she claimed I had stalked her
- the email Lydie showed them was falsified : the original Cannae emai IS in
the German Police file
- Lydie tried to take over my project and take it to Avi Lerner
- I did sent German Police after Lydie after she did not return my tapes
I admit this is a horrible complicated case, but if Ms Denham and Judge Rosenberg had done their homework they would at least have found out that there must be something wrong with Lydie Denier´s tales of terror.
However Judge Rosenberg and Ms Denham never really cared and instead declared me a dangerous stalker.
THEY HAVE NO PROOF! And they did not bother to get in touch with German Police to find out what is going on, they just supported Denier in damaging my reputation in
giving her a restraining order having ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE that what Lydie told them is the truth.
I was informed two days before the hearing of the Hearing and had not time and opportunity to talk to someone at Santa Monica court. I am in Germany and they notified me two days before the Hearing and when I called them no one was willing to talk to me and all they let me know was I should get a lawyer.
Can you think of something more Kafkaesque ? You get mail from a faraway place like China and they write you they accuse you to be a dangerous maniac and they invite you to come over within 48 hours ???
I have absolutely no confindence in this court and I wrote to Governor Schwarzenegger to please let LASD investigate as I know they know how to do their job and I have total confindence in LASD .
I repeat: I am INNOCENT . I did not pull a gun on Lydie Denier and I didn´t threaten to kill her. Lydie did falsify evidence and did lie to Judge Rosenberg. I am not a stalker and Lydie tried to take over my movie to take it to Avi Lerner. That´s why we fight. Lydie enlisted Santa Monica court to fight me and to get rid of me and Judge Rosenberg so far does not understand what is going on and that Lydie only U S E S him and Santa Monica Court in her fight over our movie against me.
I also ask any newspaper or website who wants to help me to distribute all evidence I have to get in touch with me at MichaelMHuck@aol.com
Maybe Judge Rosenberg will realize what is going on if he sees the evidence in the newspapers if SMC is not willing or able to investigate on their own.
It is NOT my job to prove I am innocent. It is the job of Judge Rosenberg to find out who is the bad guy or - in this case - bad girl.
Lydie tries to ruin my reputation, so I will tell anyone who wants to know what really happened and give you all the evidence you need to know.
Sincerely Yours,
Michael Huck
photo above: that´s me.
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