Lydie as a director: yes, she CAN direct. She has Hollywood experience and she knows how to direct cast and crew. I like the way the scenes look she directed and she knows how to do it. The problem with Lydie and shooting with her A Bouquet for a Kill was she used more energy in fighting me as a producer than in shooting the movie. As a director she acted U N P R O F E S S I O N A L running away from the set, breaking her contract with me, leaving cast and crew with an unfinished movie and not returning some of the tapes to me so we cannot edit the long version.
Of what I have I edited the 30 minute version now, but there are many, many scenes, some of the best, Lydie did not return to me cheating me, cheating the cast and crew and cheating also her fans who did not see her in a new movie or big part for quiete some years.
Among the scenes we shot but I could not use so far are:
the scenes we shot with Lydie, Michael Worth (her former Acapulco H.E.A.T. co-star, and two German actresses) in the CASA Italiana, a nice Italian restaurant in Berlin where we also shot some scenes for The Moonlight Orchids recently. I did get us this loaction and the owners can confirm that I was on location during shooting. (German actress Roswitha Schreiner´s lawyer claims I had not been present during shooting long version). DP Jörg Peter and other members of cast and crew can confirm, I have been present!)
Later that evening we shot some scenes with Michael Worth and other actors / actresses using Rolf Eden´s Rolls Royce.
Great scenes I could not use editing so far.
The other day Lydie, Roswitha, Rolf Eden, Michael Worth, other actresses including Katja Bienert shot some scenes at a doctor´s place, a friend of Roswitha´s. Early in the morning Roswitha spoke on my answering machine, I should come and bring the props to the location, but unfortunately I am not allowed to enter as she told me there are only few people allowed there due to health care reasons. I refused to drive to the location if they would not let me in and DP Jörg Peter came to my place to pick the props up. They shot the hospital scenes there, without me.
Next day they shot at Rolf Eden´s place, Lydie, Roswitha and Michael Worth. Katja was there shortly and Jörg later called me Lydie and Roswitha had invited reporters to the place while I was not present and told them they are shooting here an US movie for an US "women´s channel".
I met Lydie, Michael Worth and cast and crew later that day. We shot in the evening the scenes in the P.I.´office. Lydie had called me several times to make sure I will bring the revolver to the location. I had earlier met with Lydie in a restaurant to show her some real looking revolver which could shoot blankets and a plastic pistol. Lydie wanted the revolver. Later she claimed I had threatened to kill her with the revolver in the restaurant. Again, I have been present during shooting. Remember: Roswitha´s lawyer claims I had not been present. I got us this location too.
Then we shot some very intense and creepy scenes on location in Hans-Jürgen`s apartment where we already had shot the German episode "Die Hexe" with Katja and Mona Glass playing the roles now played by Lydie and Roswitha. Lydie added a beautiful scene with herself in bed and lots of candles. I was only present early in the morning bringing some props to the set and went before Lydie arrived on the set.
All the scenes I mentioned here are on tapes which "vanished" after shooting. Lydie as a director is responsible for those tapes and I want these tapes returned to me so I can start editing. That´s what this fight is about.
I also have some scenes shot by Andreas with Roswitha on Bali but so far I did not use them as without the other missing scenes they are out of context and make no sense beautiful as they are.
There are some strange discussions in the internet by some of Lydie´s fans, some of them wondering if Lydie is in danger. Some offering her help and some offering her good advise especially not to ruin her reputiation and this bad karma things...
The only danger for Lydie is Lydie herself. As far as I am concerned I only want my tapes back to edit my movie. I owe this to myself, to Vonny and Jörg who also have money in the picture, to the whole cast and crew who did work in and for A Bouquet for a Kill and even to Roswitha who loved to play the part but then decided to follwo Lydie in her running amok attitude and who both are about to destroy our work from months.
Movies are made to be watched and Roswitha and Lydie both claimed in interviews how much they loved to work in this project. Then Lydie ruined almost everything with her silly take-over attempt. WE COULD HAVE DONE A HOLLYWOOD VERSION !!! It was not me who ruined this. It was Lydie. But nothing is lost as long as she has not destroyed the tapes. All she has to do is to return the tapes. I will not break my contract. I´ll fight her as long as I live if she does not return the tapes. But I also love and adore her as an actress. We shot a good movie and I want to edit it and release it the way Lydie and I have promised this to each other.
Lydie claims I would stalk her and that I want to kill her. That´s nonsense. I never threated to kill her. And I did not want our fight go public. It was Lydie´s decision to go public. It was Lydie´s decision to lie to Santa Monica court and to the press. I only had to fight back, I have no other choice. I will always fight fair, Lyide does not. To claim your producer is an insane stalker who wants to kill you is not what I consider a fair fight.
As far as I am concerned I never wanted to fight Lydie. I always wanted to fight with Lydie for a good movie. The only danger for Lydie IS Lydie. In telling all those lies she did ruin her reputation, not mine.
There is one fan of hers who wrote her he will love her EVEN if it´s true that she is a bad person. I know Lydie since many years I understand why he writes this. Lydie Denier IS magic. She has an uncanny power over other people. I´ve seen her manipulating an actress I know since many years and whom I considered my friend but after some weeks with Lydie she would do everything for Lydie including backstabbing me and making her lawyer writing things about me that were not true.
But I totally agree with what one of her fans writes. These things backfire. I am not Lydie´s enemy and I do not plan to do her harm. And Lydie does know that very well.
I asked her again and again just to tell the truth and return my tapes and stay with the contract she has with me.
That´s all.
Michael Huck